Specials & Offers
Enter “DIRECT” in promotion code (promo code) of our secure online booking form to receive discounted rate. We guarantee you will not find a lower rate for our apartments on any other web site. You will also receive priority early check-in/late check-out times when available plus free wifi when booking direct.
Rates are for 2 people sharing queen (large double) size bed. There are no other bedding options available
A deposit of $200 is payable at time of booking and is refundable subject to cancellation policy. Accepted payments are Visa and Mastercard.
Cancellation Policy
Cancel up to 30 days prior to arrival free of charge.
Cancel 30 days or less prior to arrival full amount is charged
No show, full amount is charged
Phone Bookings
Phone bookings available if preferred. Call 0418 140 468